Dilshan Jayakody writes:
This ZFM-20 fingerprint library is developed to capture and retrieve fingerprint images from the above sensor module. The main purpose of this library is to use ZFM-20 sensor with PC as low cost fingerprint capture unit and because of that, in-module fingerprint processing and verification functions are not implemented in this library.The library is hosted on Github.
ZFM20-LIB is x86 native shared library and its implemented using Lazarus/FPC. This library is developed to use with most of the programming languages which including C, C++, Delphi, FPC, Microsoft .net framework based languages, etc. Object oriented wrappers for this library are available for both .net framework support languages and for FPC.
This version of ZFM-20 Fingerprint capture library is tested with ZFM-20 series serial fingerprint module with CH340G USB to serial converter. Generally this library is design to work with any USB to serial converter which including FT232, CP2101, etc.
More details at Jayakody’s blog.