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Dec 19, 2015

ATiny does 170×240 VGA with 8 Colors

ATiny does 170×240 VGA with 8 Colors:


AtomicZombie @ avrfreaks.net used an ATtiny85 ATMEL microcontroller to produce a 170×240 VGA signal and also send audio along with video.

The original plan was to just bit bang some mono VGA and do up a Pong or Tetris game, but things went MUCH MUCH further than I ever thought possible, so over the next few weeks I will detail this fun project here. I call it The QUARK-85 VGA DEMO System.

So what can one do with an ATTINY-85 and no other external components, an 8 pin package that leaves ONLY 4 IO lines after you feed it a clock??

How about 4 color rock solid VGA with stereo sound!!!
ATiny does 170×240 VGA with 8 Colors – [Link]

The post ATiny does 170×240 VGA with 8 Colors appeared first on Electronics-Lab.