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Feb 8, 2013

Automatic Raspberry Pi board revision detection: model A, B1 and B2 #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Automatic Raspberry Pi board revision detection: model A, B1 and B2 #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi:
Now that there are a range of Pi (and Frank declares “Now that I know how many there are, it kind of makes me want to collect them all”) resources like his chart of revision codes are handy to plan for differences from model to model for your software and hardware solutions. From Raspberry Alpha Omega:

When the raspberry Pi model A was announced a few days ago, I ordered one straight away. With three different models of raspberry Pi now available (or four, if you count the red Chinese variant), working out the capabilities of the board is becoming increasingly important. It’s vital for anyone involved in making hardware or software for other people to use, and it’s even pretty important for personal projects – you never know when you might want to use your hardware and software with a different board…
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