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Mar 31, 2016

VoCore: A Cheap And Coin-sized Linux Computer With Wi-Fi

VoCore: A Cheap And Coin-sized Linux Computer With Wi-Fi:


VoCore is an open source hardware that runs OpenWRT Linux. This tiny computer comes with Wi-Fi, USB, 20+ GPIOs that will help you to embed it on your projects.

With each passing day, mini computer boards are getting more and more popular. Single board computers like Raspberry Pi, CHIP, OrangePi etc. are being endorsed by makers and DIY enthusiasts to create new innovations. However, if you are looking for an even smaller Linux computer, VoCore is the perfect device for you.
VoCore: A Cheap And Coin-sized Linux Computer With Wi-Fi – [Link]

The post VoCore: A Cheap And Coin-sized Linux Computer With Wi-Fi appeared first on Electronics-Lab.

Mar 29, 2016

Start Your Poultry Brood with This DIY Egg Incubator

Start Your Poultry Brood with This DIY Egg Incubator:

You’d think that hatching chicks from eggs would be easy – after all, birds do it. But it turns out to be a fussy business for humans, and what momma bird does naturally isn’t necessarily easy for us. If your goal is to raise your own brood of peeps, fear not – this DIY egg incubator makes the process much easier.

While [Chris Raynerd]’s incubator was built for quail eggs, pretty much any domestic fowl – chickens, turkeys, ducks, pheasants – will work. The key is temperature control – momma bird’s rump is a natural heat source, and her downy feathers keep the eggs insulated and toasty. That’s a little hard to replicate in a free-air incubator, so [Chris] started with a polystyrene box for insulation. A halogen lamp on a digital thermostat provides most of the heat and keeps the temperature within a degree or two of 37°C. As a backup, a 12 volt halogen bulb on a dimmer keeps the chamber at a minimum of 36°, just in case the main lamp burns out. A small fan and a pan for humidifying water complete the atmospheric controls, although personally we’d arrange the fan to blow across the water to aid evaporation. And a simple grid lets [Chris] turn the eggs regularly, which is another vital service mom provides to her brood.

Sure, it could be Arduino-fied and servo driven, but why bother? This is a simple yet thoughtful build that should see a clutch through to hatching. We’ve seen a few egg incubators before, but even if you’re not interested in raising fowl, the techniques here could easily apply to incubators for biohacking or yogurt making, too.

Filed under: misc hacks

Original enclosures:

Getting Started With the ATMega328P

Getting Started With the ATMega328P:


Here is a detailed guide on how to get started with ATMega328P microcontroller. The guide goes in details on how to setup it on a breadboard and how to upload your first code on it. and blink a led.

The real benefit of using this microcontroller is that it’s only $4 US, whereas many other micro-controllers are 10X that price. It can also be easily programmed in the universal programming language, C++. The ATMega is also equipped with a decent amount of memory for any project.
Getting Started With the ATMega328P – [Link]

The post Getting Started With the ATMega328P appeared first on Electronics-Lab.

Mar 28, 2016

LiFePO4wered/Pi – LiFePO4 battery for Raspberry Pi

LiFePO4wered/Pi – LiFePO4 battery for Raspberry Pi:


Patrick Van Oosterwijck has published a LiFePO4 battery solution for Raspberry Pi that will also act as UPS power supply:

The project is built on top of a LiFePO4wered/USB module. A small board is added with an MSP430G2131 microcontroller that takes care of monitoring input and output voltage, monitoring a PCB touch button, driving a power indicator LED and switching the load (the Raspberry Pi power). The microcontroller is also connected to the Pi’s I2C bus and monitors the Pi’s running state. The small board connects to 8 of the Pi’s GPIO pins but leaves the rest free to allow prototyping using fly leads.
LiFePO4wered/Pi – LiFePO4 battery for Raspberry Pi – [Link]

The post LiFePO4wered/Pi – LiFePO4 battery for Raspberry Pi appeared first on Electronics-Lab.

Mar 25, 2016

Hacking The Raspberry Pi WiFi Antenna For More dB

Hacking The Raspberry Pi WiFi Antenna For More dB:

I’ve been testing out the Raspberry Pi 3, and one thing I have found is that the WiFi antenna that was added in this new model is not especially good: the Pi has trouble connecting to my WiFi network in places that other devices have no issues. That’s not surprising, because the antenna on the Pi 3 is tiny: mounted right next to the display connector, it is just a few millimeters wide. [Ward] at DorkbotPDX agrees, so he decided to look into adding a better antenna by adding an external connector.

He tried two approaches: replacing the antenna with a tail connector, and adding a U.FL connector to the unused solder pads on the board. Both require some delicate soldering work, so they aren’t approached lightly. Replacing the antenna with an external connector produced a significant increase in signal output, which should equate with more range for the WiFi connection.

It is also interesting to note that the Pi 3 has solder pads on the board to add an external antenna connector, but that they are not used. Plus, one of the solder pads is covered by solder mask. Using these is the second approach that [Ward] used, soldering on a U.FL connector and connecting that to a small rubber duckie antenna. Again, this proved more efficient, increasing the power output of the antenna significantly.

NOTE: This hack definitely falls into “Don’t try this at home” territory. Messing with antennas voids the warranty and FCC certification for the Pi, and can cause all sorts of signal-related unpleasantness if you aren’t careful.

Filed under: Raspberry Pi

Original enclosures:

Internet-of-Things Power Meter

Internet-of-Things Power Meter:


This is a simple, cheap, easy to build IoT Power Meter that provides accurate statistics on household power consumption:

The Internet-of-Things Power Meter (IPM) is a device fixed on top of the regular household power meter that provides detailed information about the electricity usage. Modern power meters have a LED blinking every time a Watt is used, the IPM detects these flashes using a light sensor, counts them, saves the values to an SD card. Later the data is stored to the cloud.
Internet-of-Things Power Meter – [Link]

The post Internet-of-Things Power Meter appeared first on Electronics-Lab.

Improved Arduino Rotary Encoder Reading

Improved Arduino Rotary Encoder Reading:


Here is a nice tutorial on how to use rotary encoders with Arduino. Example code is included.

I wanted to use a low cost rotary encoder as an input mechanism for one of my upcoming projects and was initially bewildered by the code options available to take readings from the rotary encoder and determine how many “detents” or cycles the encoder had clicked past and in what direction.
Improved Arduino Rotary Encoder Reading – [Link]

The post Improved Arduino Rotary Encoder Reading appeared first on Electronics-Lab.

Mar 15, 2016

Setting up ESP8266 based DS18B20 sensor temperature monitoring with Emoncms

Setting up ESP8266 based DS18B20 sensor temperature monitoring with Emoncms


If you are looking for ways of measuring and logging temperature data online, then you can try this one. Jhon_Control describes his setup in this instructable where uses ESP8266 module as microcontroller platform where DS18B20 probe is attached. As you may already know, ESP8266 has two programmable GPIO where one was used for reading temperature using 1-wire protocol.

The temperature data is sent via wireless interface, but additionally it can be read via serial interface where other debugging information is present. The other part of project is where temperature data goes. He has chosen OpenEnergyMonitor (Emoncms) – the web platform which can be freely installed on your local host computer and even Raspberry Pi. Here you can have nice representation of data including graphs, history, calculations, and other fancy stuff. You can start with single sensor, then expand to multiple and even join data from different sources and locations.

Mar 11, 2016

5A Adjustable Regulated Power Supply

5A Adjustable Regulated Power Supply:


This project provides a variable output voltage ranging from 1.2 to 32 V @ 5 A. Project based on LM338K IC, LM338K is adjustable 3 terminal positive voltage regulator capable of supply in excess of 5A over a 1.2V to 32V output range, simple circuit consist few components.


  • Input Supply : 24 VAC or 30 VDC, 5 Amp
  • Output : variable output from 1.2 to 32 V @ 5 A regulated low ripple DC voltage
  • Heatsink for regulator IC
  • Onboard bridge rectifier to convert AC to DC
  • LED indication at input of IC
  • Thermal overload/short circuit protection (provided by IC feature)
5A Adjustable Regulated Power Supply – [Link]

The post 5A Adjustable Regulated Power Supply appeared first on Electronics-Lab.

How to Implement Embedded Ethernet

How to Implement Embedded Ethernet:


Maurizio @ dev.emcelettronica.com has tipped us with his latest article on how to implement embedded Ethernet on any mcu. The article shows the basic principle of Ethernet implementation.

Usually We need embedded systems inside devices, particularly the so-called intelligent devices, to communicate with a command/control/administrative center. Typical such situations could be a remote security camera that can send you video clips when queried, an embedded system that can send status when checked through a web browser or a vending machine that is capable of sending an email when service is required.
How to Implement Embedded Ethernet – [Link]

The post How to Implement Embedded Ethernet appeared first on Electronics-Lab.

Wifi Home Thermostat

Wifi Home Thermostat:


asheville makers @ instructables.com has posted a Wifi enabled thermostat that can be programmed via a touch screen display or via the internet.

This Instructable explains about how I built WiFi enabled thermostats for my home. The thermostats are programmable with 6 different time periods during the day, although increasing that to any arbitrary number would be fairly trivial.
Wifi Home Thermostat – [Link]

The post Wifi Home Thermostat appeared first on Electronics-Lab.

Hardware serial port monitor over WiFi

Hardware serial port monitor over WiFi:


This tutorial shows how to connect Arduino to the TX line (of a router, RPI) and display serial data on smartphone over WiFi.

Arduino listens for serial port communication on its hardware serial port. Then it sends every received line of data trough software serial port to ESP8266. ESP8266 puts every received line of data into circular buffer. ESP8266 also runs code for webserver and a website which pools the buffer for new data and displays it on the website. (Sadly there is no websockets support for ESP8266.) To see this serial data all you have to do is open the website (IP) on your smartphone and enable javascript.
Hardware serial port monitor over WiFi – [Link]

The post Hardware serial port monitor over WiFi appeared first on Electronics-Lab.

Attiny10 miniature breakout board

Attiny10 miniature breakout board:

If you want your microcontroller to fit in tight spaces you need to use very small packages. One optin is to choose Atmel Attiny10 microcontroller which is really tiny. It has 6 pins, where 4 of them are I/O. It features 1KB of Flash, 32B of RAM and can be clocked at 12MHz. Power supply can vary between 1.8V to 5.5V. They come in two types of packages – SOT-23 and UDFN.


Dan Watson have built a mini breakout board for Attiny10 mincrocontroller. He wanted it to be really small and came out with size similar to 5mm LED head. To reduce size, he used small pitch (0.05”) header pins that doesn’t fit to breadboard. So additionally he made a special adapter board to be able to program it with standard ISP programmer.


Don be fooled by its size, it packs enough power to perform some great tasks. If you are willing to use assembly language, you can really squeeze out some serious juice of it.