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Jun 21, 2015

Serial-Style Rain Barrels

Here in Texas, we don't tend to get a whole lot of rain. I can't help but think that it's always so much of a waste to see rain flow away and not be able to capture it for the dryer months. The problem is, the commercial rain-barrels I found were always so pricey! The home improvement stores try ...
By: austinmonster

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1K3sWjt

Cordless Lost Foam Cast Cutting Tool - USB Rechargeable

This Instructable is for how to make a Cordless Lost Foam Cast Cutting Tool.Please click below to visit our Kickstarter project page ro pre-order a production model!http://ift.tt/1d8QLHY Description1 2" Long piece of Kanthal 28 ga wire http://www.ebay.c...
By: Solarcycle

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1K3sWzW

Jun 15, 2015

French cleats for tool storage

Some years back, I decided to set up a modest workshop in the corner of my basement.I started with a workbench: Building a real woodworkers workbenchAnd then I got distracted and did nothing while my basement filled up with assorted junk.This last winter I decided to put some work into making my "sh...
By: jdege

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from Instructables: exploring - workshop - featured http://ift.tt/1C5hXhz

Jun 14, 2015

Glass Jar Greenhouse

1. Build a wooden frame - I used 10x10cm fence posts.2. Collect a lot of glass jars - I asked my office canteen to save their empty jars for me.3. Stack the jars with the open end inwards inside the wooden frame.4. Fill the gaps between the jars with moss - depending on where you live you may want ...
By: dklafe

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from Instructables: exploring - workshop - featured http://ift.tt/1FuautQ

Cheap cyclone-based vacuum cleaner made from scratch

This is my build of a cyclone-based vacuum cleaner.I made this project spending only 21€, as most of the materials can be gathered without spending any money. Just for reference, here is the bill of materials: Stuff I had to buy: Wheels: 3.5€ 1200W motor: 7.5€ (bought a vacuum cleaner and salvaged ...
By: nunopcardoso

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from Instructables: exploring - workshop - featured http://ift.tt/1cxmhiz

How to make and use a Pot Chuck for your Lathe

Here is my finished pot chuck.A Pot Chuck is used to hold work which does not match up with the jaws on your Lathe Chuck. Here is the finished pot chuck with a piece of 0.5" stock. Pick a piece of round stock a bit larger than your work piece In this case I want a pot chuck for 0.5" square s...
By: RichGibson

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from Instructables: exploring - workshop - featured http://ift.tt/1Mn60tJ

Speed Control for Hand Drill Press

Search for "Drill Press" on instructables and you'll find hundreds for making a DIY stand to convert a hand drill into a drill press. What they all lack is a way to control the speed of the drill. If you're using one with a variable speed drill(one in which you control drill speed by the amount of t...
By: Antzy Carmasaic

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from Instructables: exploring - workshop - featured http://ift.tt/1e3yXQ1

Jun 3, 2015

Check Out this Wacky Square-Framed Fixie Bike

Bicycles are normally made out of round tubing, but there’s really no reason that square tubing couldn’t be used, as seen on this bike made by Aaron Seiter and based on Michale Ubbesen Jakobson’s “BauBike” design. As Seiter puts it, after seeing Jakobson’s bicycle, he “fell in love…The design is so […]

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from Make: http://ift.tt/1G6iq8e

Jun 1, 2015

Enhanced Easy, Economical, Ecological Distillation - Apparatus 2.0

-- This is an improvement based on the lessons learned from my first distillation apparatus. The first few introductory steps have been refined to reflect input from the previous Instructable's comments, and the construction steps are of course completely different. I apologize for how long it took;...
By: Supernerd Sven

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/1Rbs0dB

101 useful, practical, functional 3d prints!

This is a compilation of 101 useful things that can be 3D printed!If you like this instructable please vote for it in the "Mind for Design"(Theme:Digital Design) and/or the "3D printing"(Theme: Anything to do with 3D printing) contest(s). If you don't have an account, please take the time to make on...
By: JavaProgrammer

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/1IRMozd

Rain Water Filter and Diverter

We have a number of rain barrels and 275gal totes that we have acquired in various ways. We needed a way to filter the water coming from the rain gutters before storing it in the totes (we figured they would be hard to clean out later). I also wanted a way to divert water into multiple barrels so th...
By: dtsunekawa

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/1HW1QtP

Wind turbine mount using old office chair

If you want to build a 'Yaw' axis for a micro Wind Turbine project and can recycle an old office chair, follow these instructions. Neat idea and an interesting challenge! To finish off.... Components available @ EcoElementals.co.uk and Ebay.
By: EcoElementals

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from Instructables: exploring - workshop - featured http://ift.tt/1ETOU1k

Friction Bike - Homelite 26cc Motor

first off determine your motor. I got mine from a homelite 26cc weed whipper. simply take the outer casing off the motor to begin. drive shaft I used an old bike axel to attach the bike peg to the motor. initially I squared the bolt to fit into the socket but later you'll realize why that's a ba...
By: rossthebuilder

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from Instructables: exploring - workshop - featured http://ift.tt/1HyP8vy

DIY Sanding Cord - for Wood Turners

I was making some very small dollhouse furniture on the lathe and was having trouble sanding tight small grooves. They make sanding cord for this but I figured out a great alternative.This is so simple and works very well for the intended purpose. Grab some fabric backed sandpaper Any fabric back...
By: SlickSqueegie

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from Instructables: exploring - workshop - featured http://ift.tt/1SHFBLm