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Apr 25, 2015

Bottle cap microquadcopter

Because I couldn't wait for the new body shell for the hubsan x4 to come, I had to have an alternative to fly! So, after some hours thinking and trying several scrap objects, I finally found out that I could tight together 4 black paper clips and a part of a 5 liter water bottle. The clips clamp the...
By: jnora

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from Instructables: exploring - workshop - featured http://ift.tt/1yVswI2

DIY Grinding Machine by HDD(hard drive)

Hello! This is my first Instructable, and English isn't my mother language. So please give me some comments to tell me how to make it better. Thanks!!!The progress is pretty simple, but the product is really amazing.Material: HDD, sand paper(roughness depands on what kinds of grinding you want), dou...
By: thomasya

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from Instructables: exploring - workshop - featured http://ift.tt/1HApWdk

Apr 19, 2015

Building A 20 Inch Disk Sander

A small disk sander is a useful and cheap addition to the shop. For about $100, you can buy a cheap combination 6″ disk/belt sander that’s extremely useful. The size and cost of power tools does not scale linearly, and if you want a big disk sander you might as well make your own.

The motor for this build is a 1kW single phase motor pulled from a floor polisher found in the trash. That’s enough to push a sanding disk around, but when you get to tools this large, you need a good base, good tilt mechanism, and everything …read more

from Hackaday http://ift.tt/1GiSRAh


Bike-Powered Everything

It’s hard to argue that bicycles aren’t super handy. They get you from point A to B in a jiffy with little effort. Since these machines are so simple and convenient, why not use them for things other than transportation? Well, [Job] set out to do just that.

[Job’s] starts with a standard single speed bike and adds a few parts. First, a stand is installed to the back axle. When in the down position, it lifts the rear wheel off of the ground and provides support so the bike does not tip over. When flipped up into the ‘up’ …read more

from Hackaday http://ift.tt/1E1KoTn


Apr 18, 2015

Build your own cnc machine

in this tutorial i'm going to show you how to make your own CNC machine. For this you can buy all the materials in local dealers, and electronic shops. CNC is a computer controled machine,and can cut, engrave and carve, in all kind of materials. Materials for the estructure we need a lot of mater...

By: gaby35b2

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1Etuux0


Turning a 3D Printer into an Injection Molding Machine

Injection molding machines are able to form very detailed plastic parts, simply by squirting plastic into a mold. 3D printers squirt plastic. Why no one thought of using a 3D printer extruder to push plastic into a mold until now is something we’ll never know.

[bfk] has been working on a way to produce very small, very detailed parts for a while now, and realized the extruder of a 3D printer serves most of the functions of an injection molding machine. It takes plastic, melts it, and forces it through an orifice. Whether that plastic goes to a build platform …read more

from Hackaday http://ift.tt/1A0MEXc


Apr 11, 2015

Magnetic Bracelet

Are you ready to feel like the next Magneto with this super powered bracelet?No? Well how about Magneto's 2nd cousin Roger that always wanted a super cool bracelet with magnetic properties? Yes? Well, than consider yourself lucky.This handy bracelet will allow you to place nails, nuts, screws, prett...

By: TheCarrotKing

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from Instructables: exploring - workshop - featured http://ift.tt/1DA62Oh


Apr 4, 2015

Low Cost Aluminum Foundary

One day I went to a party and saw that a hefty amount of aluminum soda cans were being thrown in the trash bin. I wondered and decided to repurpose these cans into small Aluminum "Muffin" Ingots for casting.***DISCLAIMER*** Liquid aluminum is over 660 Celsius so use all precautionary measures. Long ...

By: yehyarocks

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from Instructables: exploring - workshop - featured http://ift.tt/1bLmbnT


BIG Disk Sander: Build, Use and Tips

I've lost count of the times when I have been mid project and thought, what I really want now is a nice big fat disk sander. With them you can make precise angles in wood and metal. You can produce brilliant outer edge curves, and very accurate circles. You can quickly remove material and flatten o...

By: bongodrummer

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from Instructables: exploring - workshop - featured http://ift.tt/1BX7qTZ