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Feb 25, 2015

The Lathean Hydra: A Multi-Headed Turning Tool from Repurposed Bits

According to Greek mythology, every time you cut off one of the Lernaean Hydra's multiple heads two grow back to replace it. Now, with some spare bits and some creative grinding, your lathe tool can do the same thing! In this case, having multiple heads means you won't have to throw out an entire to...

By: theskashow

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/17QNGtx


Feb 20, 2015

The 5 Dollar Solder Pot

Once again a thrift store find solved a problem for me in a most economical way. I like to tin wire ends whenever possible during my electronic projects, but touching off the ends of wires is a tedious and interruptive step, how much better things are when one can draw upon an inventory of freshly p...

By: BeachsideHank

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/19yDkQC


Feb 18, 2015

Arduino and LabVIEW

This instructable is a quick tutorial explaning how to connect your Arduino to LabVIEW thought USB.You’ll learn how to send a string and receive data available at USB port.First of all, C programming skills and LabVIEW diagram block knowledge will help.You will need: Arduino UNO;LM35 (Or other senso...

By: Deyson

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1CGcOOE


Feb 17, 2015

Sharpening system

Chisels, plane blades and other edged tools need regular TLC to keep them functioning properly. Mine were getting blunt and I'd misplaced my oilstone, so I decided to make a powered sharpening system using parts hacked from a broken breadmaker. I also used a busted toaster oven to get a glass basepl...

By: makendo

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from Instructables: exploring - workshop - featured http://ift.tt/1zYCbvx


Feb 15, 2015

7 Must-Know Tips for Using Your Generator Safely

Power generators can be a lifeline for you and your family in the event you experience a blackout. Properly maintaining your generator is vital to ensuring that it works when you need it. Improper usage of a generator can lead to it malfunctioning or worse, causing a fire and putting your family in danger. By following some simple steps, your generator should be able to provide you with the safety and power security you need during a power outage. Note: Be sure to read the product manual provided by the manufacturer before starting your generator, and keep the document stored...

from DoItYourself.com | Latest Articles http://ift.tt/1G337i4


Make It: DIY Industrial Firewood Holder

Feb 12, 2015

USB battery/charger in 3D printed case

from Adafruits Pool http://ift.tt/1Afxu2q



from Adafruits Pool http://ift.tt/1Afxu2d


Feb 11, 2015

Charcoal Powered Generator - Gasifier

Ask any farmer, survival expert, Boy Scout, hippie or prepper and they will tell you the awesome uses for charcoal. From improving your garden to filtering water and field medicine. But did you know with a few scrap parts you can run an unmodified internal combustion engine?I've been interested in...

By: More Cowbell

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1Doxa0r


Things out of an old bike chain

Got an old bike chain kicking around waiting to be up'cycled'? Look no further! Whether it's a keyring or a luck charm, it is the perfect gift for the cyclist in your life! What you'll need This is a simple project, and only 1 tool is needed, and that is a chain tool. I got mine really cheap fro...

By: mrquantrell

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1IqKupD


FPGAs: Top Level Design, Finite State Machines (FSMs), and GPIO

Note to the reader: The video below covers both the concept, and goes step by step with you with full explanation. However the layout of this Instructable is a bit different. Most of the first steps cover JUST concept, and is not step by step. If you want to flash your FPGA board using just the Inst...

By: N.fletch

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1DVdjnM


Simple water pump for the backpack

I created this simple pump to attach to a water bottle filter. I have bought pumps with filters for the backpack before but they always seem to break and often were bulky. This pump is cheap to make and adaptable. Tools and materials Tools: sharp knifeMaterials:2 check valves1 T fittingair hosesi...

By: Todd Gehris

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1DY04CL


Feb 8, 2015

Driving a DC motor using PWM with AVR ATmega

Davide Gironi writes: The PWM frequency have to be selected in the way that the switch frequency is much higher than the dynamics of the motor. To avoid noise from the motor, the choosen PWM frequency is 20Khz. Which is a know to know frequency. So, with this one, you can drive up to 4 […]

from Electronics-Lab.com Blog http://ift.tt/16qVKkZ


Feb 4, 2015

Joule Thief Low Voltage Battery Charger

A "Joule Thief" is a simple voltage booster circuit. It can increase the voltage of power source by changing the constant low voltage signal into a series of rapid pulses at a higher voltage. You most commonly see this kind of circuit used to power LEDs with a "dead" battery. But there are many more...

By: DIY Hacks and How Tos

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/16hnt72


Feb 1, 2015

8w DIY LED Herb Garden

Over-wintering herbs can be tough without adequate lighting. This is a simple and efficient solution that can be placed almost anywhere such as on the kitchen counter or in a shelving unit. I suggest you take time to research and study basic electronic circuitry and the safe operation and handling o...

By: DonOrganic

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/15XGpaR


Steel Etching and Marking from a DC Adapter

As a knifemaker, I like to etch my logo into my knives. I have a pretty fancy machine to do this, however others have asked about etching and marking so I came up with a fairly straight-forward device that one can make for around $20. But first a little background. A lot of folks etch with DC power ...

By: dc-labs

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from Instructables: exploring - workshop - featured http://ift.tt/1DtjXo2


Pocket Hole Jig- DIY

Pocket holes are one of many methods of joining wood together. It uses the simplest of joinery- right angle cuts mostly, and relies on the mechanical strength of screws to hold an assembly together. Although glue is sometimes used to augment it, the screws themselves do most of the work. Commercial ...

By: BeachsideHank

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/14dF7YO