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Jun 30, 2014

Is a more robust connector better?

Modified connector Euroclamp SHM-F is simply more robust. Thanks to this change, it provides a higher reliability and more space for labeling of signals. Usually, a miniaturization is a trend almost everywhere where we look. However it´s suitable to miniaturize some things/ components only until some level. This trend is very obvious for example in […]

from Electronics-Lab.com Blog http://ift.tt/1qyPLza


Handy Key Holder

This Is My Handy Key Holder null It Is Made Of 3mm Plastic null M5 Bolts null And Many Washers null It Also Includes A Knife null To Sharpen The Knife Grind Or Sand One Edge Until It Meets The Other Side null The Blade Can Cut Soft Things Only null All Of These Parts W...

By: Milz2000

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1jtLTKM



A led = light emitting diodewhich is made to emit the light but it uses semiconductor material so at day light some minor reverse saturation current flow proportional to light intensityso this can be used as a light sensorIF YOU WILL MEASURE VOLTAGE OF LED IN LIGHT AND IN ABSENCE OF LIGHT YOU WILL G...


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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1m0JP2C


Custom Router Table

As part of the build night this last weekend for our local makerspace (the Rabbit Hole), it was decided they needed a router table. I was familiar with the concept, so I took the opportunity to help build one, with some maker design elements. Design Idea First step was to get a rough Idea of wha...

By: FlintOls

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1jdo2il


FM Modulation/de-modulation Circuit

I got the idea for this circuit from one of my professors at Washington State University. However, the frequencies used in that project would not have allowed for passing higher frequency audio, e.g. 2kHz+. So I built this by modifying the carrier and signal frequencies, using only the Digilent Anal...

By: brmarcum

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/T4s9pO


Jun 28, 2014

Improved hot-end platform for 3DR Simple

This is an improved hot-end platform for the [3DR Simple](http://ift.tt/1vgOi0I) 3D printer.


* Modeled entirely in OpenSCAD.

* Captive bolts to make tightening easier.

* Compatible with parts designed for the original 3DR micro platform, including fans.

* Compatible with parts designed for the 3DR Simple micro platform, which has a different bolt arrangement.

* Low-profile height (8mm)

* Optional integrated mount for an [inductive bed sensor](http://ift.tt/UTGTcM).

Works great with [this E3D mount](http://ift.tt/1vgOi0K).

from Thingiverse - Newest Instances http://ift.tt/1vgOiOm


NVIDIA Jetson TK1 case

Minimal case for the NVIDIA Jetson TK1 development board. I'm hesitant to even call it a "case" so much as a basic cover...it's simply a top and bottom piece held by standoffs. It's there to keep fingers and dropped tools off the board on one's desk, doesn't accommodate drives or add-ons.

Yeah, this would look great in NVIDIA green, but I only had orange acrylic handy at the moment. :)

from Thingiverse - Newest Instances http://ift.tt/UTGS8A


How To Laser Cut Mylar Solder Stencils

Solder Stencil

When you think about the difficulties of working with surface mount components, the first thing that often comes to mind is trying to solder those tiny little parts. Instead of soldering those parts by hand, you can actually apply solder paste to the pads and place all of the components on at once. You can then heat up the entire board so all of the parts are soldered simultaneously. It sounds so much easier! The only problem is you then need a solder stencil. You somehow have to get a thin sheet of material that has a perfectly sized hole … Read the rest

from Hackaday http://ift.tt/1pHXGc8


How to make a body motion detector for healthcare pupose

The body motion of a person can tell alot about him. In sleep, it can tell whether a person is in light sleep or deep sleep (Usually when you are in deep sleep you don't move at all and whereas in light sleep you move alot making you partner awake). In diseases such as parkinson and epilepsy, depend...

By: aditya198601

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1wf9CpP


60mm Fanguards with Cone and Flaps

lookin good but both Versions add noise to the running fan. i guess it depends on the fan. the one wich has the flaps bend in the other direction as the fan is much quiter. in my case "fanguard_left" was much quiter than "fanguard_right" wich sounds like a siren... :/

from Thingiverse - Newest Things http://ift.tt/UTGRl3


PSU panel for custom benchtop powersupply

Custom built PSU panel that fits standard ATX PSU. 6 banana plug sockets, power-on LED and on-off switch.

from Thingiverse - Newest Things http://ift.tt/1vgOhdl


100mm Air raid Siren VERY VERY LOUD

This is an air raid siren built to go inside a Stuka dive bomber model. The Stuka was a German terror weapon used in WWII. As it dived to drop a bomb, a siren would sound out from the plane to terrify the people they were bombing. This siren is powered by a small 25 amp brushless motor at 850kv on a 3s lipo battery and a 30amp ESC. It is very loud and effective so ramp it up slowly if you make one and worn the neighbours if you live in a place that has tornado's. Have Fun

I will post a test vid on here soon.

from Thingiverse - Newest Things http://ift.tt/UTGOWw


Under Desk Tool Drawer [Modeller's Delight]

The perfect way to store your sharp tools under your desk. Made from re-purposed kitchen cabinet runners and some scrap wood. This Instructable also expands on how to do this with no specialist power-tools for low cost. WHY I MADE THIS: I just moved to London (to start working at sugru). London i...

By: Hey Jude

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from Instructables: exploring - workshop - featured http://ift.tt/Ux1PGc


Jun 24, 2014

Corrosion-Resistant Fasteners

HuckGuard is a zinc-rich basecoat with an organic topcoat that pretreats fasteners from corrosion. The coating lets the company’s HuckBolts and collars sustain up to 1,000 hr of salt-spray testing — with no painting — while those only coated with zinc handle only 100 hr. While HuckBolts have always had a zinc coating, the fastener collars have always been the weak point because of the swaging process.

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from Machine Design http://ift.tt/1isWP0m


Low-Profile Compression Load Cells

High-speed, LC411-USBH Series USB load cells connect directly to a computer and handle 1,000 readings/sec. Free PC software makes data logging and charting of readings simple. The cells also come with .NET APIs and a command set for command line access. No additional power supply is necessary — the cell is powered directly from your computer’s USB port.

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from Machine Design http://ift.tt/1m9H891


Roller-Pinion System

The RPS rack is a roller-pinion system designed to eliminate the shortcomings of linear-drive systems. It replaces spur-gear teeth with bearing-supported rollers that engage a rack-tooth profile. The rollers eliminate sliding friction with smooth rolling friction for a 99%-efficient rotary to linear-motion conversion.

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from Machine Design http://ift.tt/1isWOJT


Jun 22, 2014

Arduino GPS GSM AnyTracer

GPS Track and Trace anything with the Arduino AnyTracer of only 25 x 25 mm! It is the smallest, complete GPS GSM tracker in the entire world. A movie is not necessary here! The photos speak for itself. Together with the best Italian and Russian GPS specialists we managed to make the smallest complete GPS […]

from Electronics-Lab.com Blog http://ift.tt/1l5DEJ7


Super Simple Way to Re-use Plastic Bottles

Make plastic string

One of our tipsters just sent in a fascinatingly simple trick for re-using plastic bottles and turning them into useful plastic string. It’s in Russian but between the translated English subtitles and visual demonstration, it’s quite easy to understand.

YouTube DIY survivalist [Адвокат Егоров] makes a lot of really cool tutorial videos on anything from making knives, forming parts with heated PVC pipe, making rings out of coins, or even how to increase the yield of your potato farm (what?). In this one he shows us how to make a very simple jig using a small piece of aluminum … Read the rest

from Hackaday http://ift.tt/1yuCsoi


All in One Portable Solar Power Unit: 220V + 12V + 5V + Automatic Battery Charge! ;)

My starting point was to see if we can make portable solar power unit: lightweight reliable robust different voltage outputs (including 220V AC) capable of storing energy capable to charge lead acid batteryAnswer: Yes we can! ;)If we well balance size and capacity of the unit, it will be much ...

By: serdaro

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from Instructables: exploring - workshop - featured http://ift.tt/U6Mtbl


Paracord $ makers

550 Paracord How to make a Paracord Rescue Belt Paracord Knife Handle RUP Paracord Strap Wrap Paracord Belt w/ Carabiner Buckle How to make a survival paracord belt using only two cords! Paracord Hiking Belt Paracord Necklace Paracord wrist lanyard made with th...

By: acorpuz24

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1iZC1s6


Sander / grinder from an old hard disk

Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to my new Instructable.I will quickly cover the main steps on how to make a simple sander / grinder using a hard disk. That's kind of out of focus, but look at those sparks. Yummy scorching particles. Open it up I chose a 7200rpm HDD. No particular reason, ...

By: SussoGobbino

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1stZviq


Plastic Bottle Mosquito Trap

THIS GUIDE IS IN SEVERAL CONTESTS! IF YOU LIKE IT, VOTE FOR IT! THANKS! :DHello dear friends!As some of my followers already know, I live in Bologna (Italy), in the heart of Po river Valley.This area is known as the wettest one of Italy. This is due to terrain, level (a lot of areas are UNDER sea le...

By: Darthorso

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1uHi26D



It will be always fun to play with music and with lights,here it isthe project “Wireless audio transmitter” has both music and light which is to connect the audio source device such as laptop,mobile phone ,dvd player ,etc.., and speaker through laser light .This works perfect for straight line com...

By: Know More Things

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1pN2JM5


Car Visor Magnet Holder

I don't like key rings all that much because I either don't have work keys on me (weekend) or they are already in the ignition on my car. I have 1 key that opens my mailbox at my apartment complex so I decided to have it always handy in my car. I also have a swipe badge at work that I need every day...

By: motos

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1spj9w7


Simple, Single Folding Key

Now that it's summer, I go out running everyday. Before I leave, I have to make sure I get my house key so I can lock up the house. While running, I had to hold my key in my hand (I blame my pocketless shorts), and I would frequently drop it. I dropped it so much that my key actually bent a little b...

By: innovator007

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1pGAFdh


Mini Diamond Grinding Disk for Drill Bits

Without a fine grit grinding wheel, it's almost impossible to get a decent point on a small drill bit. There are many tool-maker wheels available, but I look at the prices and gag. This 2 inch diamond disk (EBay - disk + mandrel for $2.34, free shipping) has worked very well for grinding drill bits...

By: wotboa

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1qNul0Q



DIY CNC How to make a mini milling machine- manual or CNC! Easy to Build Desk Top 3 Axis CNC Milling Machine Combination CNC Machine and 3D Printer Dremel Carver/Duplicator like a Human Powered CNC Router Mug Plotter Axis Dust Cover for the CNC Mini Milling Machine Min...

By: Nardu

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1p2r0K7


Power generating shoe for charging mobile phones and torch lights

This shoe works on dynamo basis and during the walk or running the dynamo produces power which is stored in the battery. During at rest the chords can be attached and the mobiles phones get charged.It is user friendly and economical. Take the shoe and remove the heels alone seperately. Take the s...

By: Martin Arunnath

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1lga1Qv


Jun 14, 2014

Bring “dead” batteries back to life with a toroid and the Joule Thief circuit.

By Sean Michael Ragan: The Joule Thief (Wikipedia) is a well-known “instant gratification” hobby circuit that uses just a handful of components to pull off a pretty impressive parlor trick — using a single 1.5V battery, the Joule Thief can light a high-voltage blue or white LED that normally requires 3.5V or greater to turn […]

from Electronics-Lab.com Blog http://ift.tt/1pZU7RP


Jun 9, 2014

app note: Generic data transfer using USB HID

Here’s an app note from Nordic Semiconductor on using nRF24LU1+ USB HID communication. The Universal Serial Bus is the de factor inustry standard for the connection of computer peripherals, with approximately two billion sold devices every year. The success of … Read more

from Dangerous Prototypes http://ift.tt/TuY57N


Jun 7, 2014

Fan Cover

Customizable at fan_cover.scad file :

fan size : size = 30

diameter of bolt : bolt_dia = 3

the included STL has 30mm, 40mm size fan cover.

from Thingiverse - Newest Things http://ift.tt/SlIgis


Fan Blades and Hub

This was a project I did for a sterling engine powered fan. These blades create a decent amount of thrust!

Printing them can be tricky. I recommend you print them upright and rotated about 10- 15 deg about Z. Print on low res with a raft.


Print these at 210 C and 70mm/min. The thin features at the blade will curl up if you are too hot and too fast. Slow down, cool off and let these print.

*** HUB ***

This model was trimmed to allow you to print it upright. Orient the model with the trimmed edge on the build surface. Should be as easy as rotating by 45 degrees.

Print with raft and support.

Sorry for the large file. I exported as fine as SolidWorks would allow.

from Thingiverse - Newest Things http://ift.tt/SlIeqU


fan_cap 40mm

a 40 mm fan cap.

from Thingiverse - Newest Things http://ift.tt/1kHJgsS


Cable Clamp

Just a screw on-wire clamp with 5mm radius.

from Thingiverse - Newest Things http://ift.tt/SlIcPE


iPhone 5 bike mount

This is a simple iPhone 5/5s handlebar mount for your bike.

It is pretty tight but in return it does not fall of while riding.

You are still able to plug in the dock-connector, audio-jack and use the speakers and side buttons.

There is a version for 25.4mm and 31.8mm handlebars make sure you get the right one.

See also the instructions.

from Thingiverse - Newest Things http://ift.tt/1kHJd0m


Bit adapter

Adapter to use 1/4" bits with a 5/16" bit driver. Customizable for different drivers/bits.

from Thingiverse - Newest Things http://ift.tt/1kHJf8e


Ultrasonic cutter Linear guide

for USW-334

from Thingiverse - Newest Things http://ift.tt/1kHJcJI


3D Printed 40mm Fan Replacement

Thingiverse user loco shared a project for replacing a 40mm fan. I accidentally broke some blades of my 40mm fan. So i created these replacement blades to fix it. The 9 blade version has curved blades. On my fan the 6 blade version creates a better airflow. Inner diameter is 25mm, it is designed to […]

from adafruit industries blog http://ift.tt/1hg27vm


Jun 4, 2014

Easy Wireless Electricity

Please vote for this project if you found it educational, helpful, interesting, or just plain fun! Any comments or questions are welcome down below and if you find a spot where I've made a mistake feel free to let me know. I won't take offence.Wireless electricity is something new and exciting. Whil...

By: Unprecedented

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1wYpXR5


Magnetic Slime

You've probably seen the ooey gooey wondrous simplistic invention that is borax slime. And even being the great easy-to-make project that it is, every one that you see is the exact same as the rest! So I thought to myself, how can I make it better? And then it came to me, I have to make it COME ALIV...

By: Asamati98

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/1pyM7au


USB to Serial converter using PL2303SA

This USB to serial (TTL) converter project is easy to build, it is simple and inexpensive. It is based on the PL2303SA USB to USART bridge from Prolific. USB to Serial converter using PL2303SA - [Link]

from Electronics-Lab.com Blog http://ift.tt/1kzccDo


USB to Serial converter using FTDI FT230X

This USB to serial converter project is easy to build, it is simple and inexpensive. It is based on the FT230XS from FTDI Chip. USB to Serial converter using FTDI FT230X - [Link]

from Electronics-Lab.com Blog http://ift.tt/1o8wILQ


High power 6 LED Flashlight for 1.5V AA battery.

This circuit look like a torch by use on 1.5V battery only so it can be used. Since small so Easy to carry in various places. And also very bright as well. The technical information Power supply : one 1.5V AA battery. Maximum current used 200mA Uses 6 white LED. Small size PCB. How it […]

from Electronic projects circuits http://ift.tt/StSiOP


The easy peasy stepper driver/stepper motor test circuit

Rohit Gupta writes: I made a very easy to make stepper driver and motor tester that could be useful to people working with steppers for 3D printers or CNC. I saw an article a while back here on DP and … Read more

from Dangerous Prototypes http://ift.tt/RXoA4q


Arduino Ethernet shield R3 with micro SD connector - Assembled

from Adafruits Pool http://ift.tt/1nOSfeS


Geiger Counter Project

from Adafruits Pool http://ift.tt/1nOSeYu


Geiger Project 0

from Adafruits Pool http://ift.tt/1nOScjb


Machine That Makes Drinking Water From Thin Air #NatureAndTechnology

This machine makes droning water from thin air. via CNN Water. A vital nutrient, yet one that is inaccessible to many worldwide. The World Health Organization reports that 780 million people don’t have access to clean water, and 3.4 million die each year due to water-borne diseases. But an Israeli company thinks it can play […]

from adafruit industries blog http://ift.tt/1knsTmc


NEW PRODUCT – Universal Qi Wireless Receiver Module

NEW PRODUCT – Universal Qi Wireless Receiver Module If you have a modern smart phone you may have noticed that it comes with built in wireless charging capability called ‘Qi charging.’ Qi is a trademark name for a thin and smart inductive charging system. Many large gadget companies have standardized on Qi, which means it’s […]

from adafruit industries blog http://ift.tt/SreetS