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May 30, 2014

Home Security System Using Cell Phone

The project is about a home security system in which a cell phone is used as a device that will alert the owner of the house when an intruder enters the house. About the Instructable The owner just have to turn on the system before leaving his house.When an intruder enters the house in the absen...

By: MRo47

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/1oXFMoC


How To Make A Rotary Powered Pump

Hello, we are a team of 3 Product Design Engineering students at the Glasgow School of Art. For a second year project called "Hydro Do That?" we were tasked with pumping 5 litres of water up a height of 60cm in the most efficient manner possible. The pump had to be capable of performing this task i...

By: TeamTortoise

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/1lx9jQY


How To Make Your Own Arduino

This instructable is for those who ever wanted to build your own arduino or you just wanted to have another one or maybe a smaller one. Well I need this for a display project which had to keep the arduino running and I didn't want to let go of my original arduino.Making an arduino is actually easier...

By: lamefreaks

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from Instructables: exploring http://ift.tt/1nKMgp8


Sniffing the Air: Sensors for Monitoring Air Quality and Safety

By European Editors Air pollutants such as particles and noxious gases are known to be harmful to human health. In industry, on the other hand, high concentrations of gases such as methane or propane, or carbon monoxide resulting from poor combustion processes, can present an immediate safety risk. To overcome these problems, a wide range […]

from Electronics-Lab.com Blog http://ift.tt/1gqX4I6


Leave an excess heat to Fischer heatsinks

Precise heatsinks from the production of Fischer Elektronik will take care for your devices to stay “cool”. Over 40 years of experience of company Fischer reflect in an excellent reputation and mainly in a stable high quality of their products. Main production portfolio consists of heatsinks, connectors and enclosures. Narrow specialization on mechanical and electromechanical […]

from Electronics-Lab.com Blog http://ift.tt/1lSVJpM


NEW PRODUCT – Medium Surface Transducer with Wires – 4 Ohm 3 Watt

NEW PRODUCT – Medium Surface Transducer with Wires – 4 Ohm 3 Watt Turn any surface/wall/table etc into a speaker with a surface transducer. This type of speaker does not have a moving cone like most speakers you’ve seen. Instead, a small metal rod is wrapped with the voice coil. When current is pulsed through […]

from adafruit industries blog http://ift.tt/SRt51m


NEW PRODUCT – USB Charger Doctor – In-line Voltage and Current Meter

NEW PRODUCT – USB Charger Doctor – In-line Voltage and Current Meter Help! This patient is heating up! Is the voltage too low? Is the current draw too high? Is there a doctor in the house? Oh, thank goodness, the Charger Doctor is here! Right on time…Doctor, can you tell us what the current draw […]

from adafruit industries blog http://ift.tt/1pzhtL4


3D Design Tips — Finishing and Post-Processing Your 3D Printed Objects #3DThursday #3DPrinting

For those looking to pick up a few new finishing techniques for design for 3D printing, you can now read most of the Skill Builder that I wrote for MAKE Issue 34 online here: The domain of finishing techniques (i.e., everything that takes place after printing) is the craftsman’s workshop, where patience, tools, skills, and […]

from adafruit industries blog http://ift.tt/1oO4CFg


May 23, 2014

Gut Hook Hunting Knife

This is a short instructable showing you the steps to make a gut hook knife. Materials and Tools The MaterialsHardened Steel WoodFinish NailToolsMetal BandsawSharpiePencilwood GlueGrinderViceSand paper 80-6000 gritHammerDrill and bits Design Choose a design and start by drawing onto the steel ...

By: Ryan Depace

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/1jbchaM


Macgyver SMD soldering iron adaptor

Rupert Hirst of RunAwayBrainz writes: Surface mount component removal can often be tricky. With a little thought, and a piece of copper wire, small components can now be safely and cleanly removed, without damage to either the component or PCB … Read more

from Dangerous Prototypes http://ift.tt/1lV0hgP


The Adafruit Motor Selection Guide

The Adafruit Motor Selection Guide @ The Adafruit Learning System. There are many types of motors. Big ones, small ones, fast ones, strong ones. Whether you need brute strength, blinding speed or delicate precision movement, there is a motor designed for the task. The following pages will help you find to the right motor for […]

from adafruit industries blog http://ift.tt/1tkC6wV


May 22, 2014

CTC rubber feet adapters

This feet fit to the black CTC (dual) printer.

Because CTC changed their laser cut artwork for the case parts several times. This feet fit to the version where the lowest side panel screws are located 25mm above the table where it stands on.

Actually this stl files here are not the feet, this are the adapters to attache normal 30mm rubber feet you can buy in the hardware store next door.

Mine are from Hornbach in Germany and are call door stops cause they where cheaper than rubber feet :-)

To attach each foot to the adapter you need to create M4 threads into the ABS print or if you use PLA I suggest to use 3,5mm woodscrews. Of course woodscrews work on ABS printed parts as well!

The adpaters fit very well even without screwing but to make it stable enough to tilt the whole printer over them when working on the printer bottom I combined them with the bottom screws of the side panel.

Like my upper corners for the CTC this feed also make the whole encasing more stable.

from Thingiverse - Newest Things http://ift.tt/1sZ0u5d


May 19, 2014

Compiling Arduino code for PIC32

Programming PIC microcontrollers using Arduino code style isn’t something new. We are already familiar with ChipKit development boards from Digilent and their Arduino like development environment called mpide. Tom Kibalo suggests using MPLAB IDE to develop and use Arduino code for PIC32 microcontrollers. He has been developing Arduino library code … Continue reading

from Embedded projects from around the web http://ift.tt/1qPVxQd


Create Your First Program in Scratch With This Raspberry Pi Helpsheet #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

For those new to programing, Wishtrac has created a Raspberry Pi helpsheet to talk you through creating your first simple program. The Raspberry Pi is a very versatile device, but it can also sometimes be confusing for first-time users. What kind of power adaptor do you need? What is the best kind of SDHC card […]

from adafruit industries blog http://ift.tt/1sWGCRX


May 16, 2014

App note: Understanding and Minimizing Ground Bounce

Another old app note from Fairchild on Ground Bounce issues. Ground bounce has been a concern to some system designers for many years. Its effects can be found in most bipolar and CMOS logic families. However, ground bounce has recently … Read more

from Dangerous Prototypes http://ift.tt/1oFCy6c


Drive Stepper Motor Using USB

We all know how complicated it’s to run stepper motor using a microcontroller without any use of external libraries. This project allows you to control a stepper motor using a simple USB interface. They have use PIC18F4550 microcontroller which has an in built USB (USB 2.0) functionality which allows to … Continue reading

from Embedded projects from around the web http://ift.tt/1qwo39C


Learning to Reverse Engineer on a Broken Printer

Lexmark Hack

When a Lexmark inkjet printer stopped working, [Mojobobo] was able to claim it as his own. He quickly realized that the machine was flooded with ink and not worth repairing, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t still find a use for it. When he learned that the printer’s firmware was not only upgradable but also unprotected, he knew he should be able to get the printer to do his own bidding.

[Mojobobo] started his journey with the motherboard. The unit still powered up, but it was asking to insert a “duplex module” before it would boot any further. [Mojobobo] … Read the rest

from Hackaday http://ift.tt/1jxLRjs


Microbial Fuel Cells - A Way to Generate Clean Electricity from Water

Over 1.5 billion people in the world have no access to electricity. That means 1 out of 5 people are forced to live without something that a majority of the world takes for granted everyday! Without electricity, these people are unable to refrigerate food/medicine, have a guaranteed light source, or...

By: austinsimonson

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/1qAiEhC


Induction Heater 12 KW

This is an amazing induction heater and now you can build your own for fun or as a powerful tool. I have put together an extensive tutorial at http://ift.tt/1hyjjqy with schematics for building a 3 and 12kw unit. You'll be able to instantly melt steel aluminum and copper. You can use...

By: imsmooth

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/1hyjjqw


May 12, 2014

Not Your Typical ATX Power Supply Hack

Not Your Average Power Supply Hack

Power supplies are essential for at home tinkering and electronics hacking. Unfortunately, they’re really quite expensive, and a bit out of reach for most hobbyists. Computer ATX power supplies are a cheap alternative, although they usually tend to lack the features of real bench power supplies… unless you hack yours like [Mark Schoonover]!

When [Mark] set out on this project he wanted to use as many recycled components as possible, but still come up with an extremely functional bench top power supply. He snagged a 500W ATX power supply from one of his kid’s old desktop PC’s, grabbed some old … Read the rest

from Hackaday http://ift.tt/SScXx3


USB isolator project

Scasagrande shared his USB isolator project, that is available at Github: I received inspiration for the project from other USB isolator projects on the internet. Mine features a few improvements to many of them: USB-B and micro-USB connectors on the host (upstream) side In addition to accepting power via the barrel connector (which goes through […]

from Electronics-Lab.com Blog http://ift.tt/1m557du


The Nomad CNC Mill

The Nomad 883 is a ready-to-run CNC Mill that’s at home in any environment. With The Nomad 883 we’ve taken the guesswork out of operating a CNC machine. Everything you’ll need to get started is included – software (for Mac and PC), cutters, cables, even a starter pack of material. You’ll be cutting parts out […]

from Electronics-Lab.com Blog http://ift.tt/1qngrpH


Layer by Layer: Designing mounting plates for PCBs #3DPrinting #3DThursday

In a recently project, I needed an enclosure that could be mounted to a PCB using screws. The PCB had quite a bit of through-hole components that didn’t allow the bottom of the circuit to be completely flat. This caused some problems while mounting the parts together because the board wasn’t level with the bottom […]

from adafruit industries blog http://ift.tt/1uG2q6e


NEW PRODUCTS – 8 MHz Ceramic Resonator / Oscillator / 12 MHz Ceramic Resonator / Oscillator / 16 MHz Ceramic Resonator / Oscillator

Keep your microcontroller tickin’ with a ceramic oscillator. These little devices are bread-board friendly (0.1″ pin spacing) and easy to use. They act much like crystals with the ‘stability’ capacitors inside. They have 0.5% accuracy, great for every day electronics and microcontroller work and certainly precise enough for UART or other baud-rate generation. For ultra-high […]

from adafruit industries blog http://ift.tt/1g5bihS


May 10, 2014

Portable Solar Power Station

This is for the March 2014 Voltaic Build Night (Virtuabotix's first Build Night). We conducted this build at the Virtuabotix, LLC shop in Colorado. So the idea was to build a Voltaic Solar Panel, that could power and host an emergency communications network. This wasn't accomplished with the t...

By: JigMcFigg

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/1lzIwpp


Electricity Generating Footwear

Did you know that you can produce electricity by just walking? Here's a little science experiment that will show you a little secret on making insoles that can charge USB devices! The challenge is to make a slip-on insole that can produce enough electricity to charge batteries/ USB devices. Google...


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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/1ilmiSw


Light Bulb Projects

Always when searching and gathering materials for all kind of projects I come across light bulbs, so probably many of you will also cross roads with a light bulb once in a while. Since light bulbs tend to die after a while, it's the perfect upcycle material. This collection brings together the most ...

By: RuudvandeLooij

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/Q6Vfn1


DIY delta 3D printer using low cost recycled parts

This is a filament deposition delta 3D printer, was designed and built in 2013 using recycled parts from old dot matrix printers and flatbed scanner. FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) is a layer additive manufacturing (or 3D Printing) process that uses production-grade thermoplastic materials to pro...

By: hesamh

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/1fP4e8y


Make an open kayak from recycled bottles

A few years ago I was inspired by a very short video of a man making a small boat from recycled bottles. No matter where I looked, I couldn't come up with any instructions on how to make one of my own, so I had to set out without much guidance. I decided it would make a great dorm project because ...

By: bugcatcherjake

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/1s7MQfD


Is the best PCB etchant in every kitchen ?

After a lot of reading and inspiring from Instructables for two years now I decided to step ahead and do my first Instructable on two subjects I particularly like : PCB making & The scientific method. Feel free to comment and criticize my work, I think scientific method is also about improving an...

By: Feynmaniac

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/1l4vdfH


DIY Bike Generator

Using easily accessible parts, it is possible to build your own bicycle generator that will charge your cell phone! This instructable is an extension of this instructable made by our friends. Eventually, this bike will stand on its own in our student union, so our classmates can sustainably charge ...

By: SKSW47

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/1qnvRKD


May 7, 2014

MakerFarm Prusa i3v Sorbothane Vibration Isolator Foot

Tired of listening to your 3D printer buzz and vibrate its way through another print from the next room? These plastic feet allow you isolate your printer from the surface it's sitting on, quieting it considerably.

These plastic feet snap onto the bottom of the wood frame and provide a 3/4" round mounting location to stick on 3/4" Sorbothane hemispherical bumpers. The Sorbothane bumpers do all the work, effectively quieting the printer. Often, the majority of the sound is transmitted as vibration into the table and floor, where it resonates and transmits into the room--especially at certain frequencies.

For the ~13lbs of the MakerFarm Prusa i3v, I used six 3/4" hemispherical 70 durometer Sorbothane dampers. The dampers are tuned, so using too many or too few, will reduce their effectiveness.

For maximum effectiveness, set the printer on a heavy, flat surface, like an 18" Travertine tile, available at most home centers for less than $10.

These are the dampers I used:


from Thingiverse - Newest Things http://ift.tt/1iWav33


May 6, 2014

How to Move your Blogger Blog on Custom Domain to WordPress

This step-by-step tutorial explains how you can move your Blogger blog on a Custom Domain to self-hosted WordPress without losing your Google Search rankings.

from Digital Inspiration Technology Blog http://ift.tt/Ra9Dvv


DIY Build Your Own Bike Generator

Build Your own generator with the help of your bike. via Rachel Arndt of Popular Mechanics I’m a cycling enthusiast, and when the weather is bad I use a bicycle trainer in my apartment. But riding to nowhere has always felt pointless. This got me thinking about how I could use my pedaling to produce […]

from adafruit industries blog http://ift.tt/1fN4JjR


May 5, 2014

All About Stepper Motors

from Adafruit Learning System | Latest Published Guides http://ift.tt/1j3vwI0


Building A CO2 Laser In A Hardware Store


Over on the Projects site, [ThunderSqueak] is pushing the bounds of what anyone would call reasonable and is building a CO2 laser from parts that can be found in any home improvement store.

Despite being able to cut wood, paper, and a bunch of other everyday materials, a carbon dioxide laser is actually surprisingly simple. All you need to do is fill a tube with CO2, put some mirrors and lenses on each end, and run an electric current through the gas. In practice, though, there’s a lot of extra bits and bobs required for a working laser.

[ThunderSqueak] … Read the rest

from Hackaday http://ift.tt/1j2f76M


May 3, 2014

Make a CNC mill with a laser cutter

So, you have a CNC laser cutter but you want a CNC mill? Problem solved. This project is a small CNC mill that can be assembled from store-bought and laser-cut parts for about $800 without machine tools. (If you have access to a shop with a chop saw and a drill press that'll be helpful, but you ca...

By: joebell

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from Instructables: exploring - featured http://ift.tt/1i5oAJH



from RED-AUTOMOBILE http://ift.tt/1s3ngKH


Nicd and Ni-MH battery charger with automatic cuts off

If you need a Nicd and Ni-MH battery charger that automatic cuts off. Which is simple circuit, this project is good ways. It use IC-AN4558 OP-AMP IC. Detection of battery voltage when the power is full. And would be cut off immediately. It is a simple project And budget. How does it works. We are […]

from Electronic projects circuits http://ift.tt/1s0amgv


Community Corner: This Past Week in the Adafruit Community

Featured Adafruit Community Project Luc Gallant shared his Talking C-3PO Project in the Adafruit Forums! My desire to do this project was based on having a life size C-3PO bust, and it constantly looking at me, saying nothing. I just needed it to talk. Plus, I liked that such a project would have both software […]

from adafruit industries blog http://ift.tt/1lIGRh9


May 2, 2014

Peristaltic pump

Parametric peristaltic pump.

Some parameters can be set in the openscad files.

The enclosed .stl files can be used for a 5,5 mm silicon tube.

After printing the parts, assembled it and use a silicon tube with correct dimensions.

Don't spin it to fast. The plastic will melt and the pump will get stuck.

Demonstration movie on:


from Thingiverse - Newest Things http://ift.tt/1fDuDGl


From the Forums: Adafruit makes Dr. Evil’s wish come true #3DThursday #3DPrinting

From h8me in the Adafruit Forums: Adafruit makes Dr. Evil’s wish come true. In 2 days it will be the 17 anniversary of the movie release of Austin Powers. To celebrate, I bought line laser diode from Adafruit and added it to one of my very first 3D prints. Read More. Every Thursday is #3dthursday […]

from adafruit industries blog http://ift.tt/1o5yxYr


DIY Bike Stereo System with 20W Speaker #3DThursday #3DPrinting

Spring is here and nature sounds more awesome with fresh vibes. You can 3d print this project to deck out your ride with a 20 watt speaker and MAX9744 20w Class D Amplifier so you can play tunes while you cruise in style. Our 3d printed mount secures the 20w speaker to the front of […]

from adafruit industries blog http://ift.tt/1o6onHa


How to make a WiFi Yun Soundboard @arduino

How to make a WiFi Yun Soundboard @ The Adafruit Learning System. This project will show you how to turn an Arduino Yun into a soundboard that can be controlled from a webpage over WiFi. Prank your friends or coworkers by hiding the device nearby to remotely trigger sounds that drive them mad! Or keep […]

from adafruit industries blog http://ift.tt/1kyBfov